Saturday, November 3, 2018

Two weeks to go!

This time in two weeks you'll be questioning your decision to sign up for Le Petit Brevet and watching the weather closely.

In the past couple of weeks I've spent a fair bit of time on the route confirming bits n bobs. I reckon it is looking pretty good.

This is the final route, it's pretty short and low on vertical meters this year ;-)

The Double Fencline track between Pettigrews and Western Valley roads is in awesome condition currently, there are still too many fences/gates to cross, but other than that it a great route.

If it's wet the descent down the Purple Peak Stock Route can be a little sketchy, be aware! There are also a couple of rocky sections you'll want to walk your bike on on this track.

The main thing to note is the lack of water between Little Akaloa and Akaroa. It's "only" 50km but has some significant climbing in that 50km. I would suggest camelling up in Little Akaroa before pushing on (There is NO potable water in Okains Bay not even for residents by all accounts so you'll need to carry some method to treat water in Okains Bay. I am unaware of any publicly available water in Le Bons Bay). It's also pretty dry between Little River (off route) and the finish.....

I will send out the .gpx files and cue sheets to those who have registered interest over the weekend, for those still on the fence, once you decide, flick me an email.

Flick any questions to, cheers, Scott