Hi One and all, I hope this finds you fit and well and looking forward to another edition of the sufferfest that is Le Petit Brevet.
Tim Mulliner who has run the past three editions is now living in Denmark so I have taken over the reigns. I being Scott Emmens.
Firstly I'd like to apologise for the lack of communication and the late release of the event date. I have spent the winter running the SouthernCross cyclocross series so time has been limited.
The event will start at 7am on the 16th November. I have not completed the course yet but I have it mostly sorted. I will release the course with a couple of weeks to go prior to the 16th but will give you an idea of distance and expected ascent before then.
Any questions please flick me an email at lepetitbrevet@gmail.com. I would be keen to receive an idea of numbers, so if you are thinking you'll be turning up please flick me an email and I'll make sure I keep you in the loop.
Thanks, Scott